Field Trip Ideas For Students in Calgary

A big part of the student experience are school field trips. School field trips in Calgary are a great opportunity for students to be brought outside of their classrooms, and experience in real life what they learn beyond its four walls. Field trips provide a good break from a student’s routine and also allow them to bond with their teachers and classmates in a more dynamic environment. This is why school field trips are something that students always look forward to.

School field trips

The best field trips are the ones that let students experience something that they normally wouldn’t encounter in their daily lives. Taking them to places where they can do new and exciting activities that they can’t do anywhere else makes the trip all the more valuable and memorable for them. Here are a few places where you can take students to for a fun and active day of learning.

1.    Farms
One of the best things students can do is spend time around farm animals, like cows, goats, and chickens. Not only will they have a lot of fun, but they can also learn about the process of farming at a farm and gain a better understanding of where food comes from. They also learn about animal welfare, sustainability, and food safety. Students also learn a lot from interacting with animals—they can learn how best to approach these animals that they normally don’t encounter in their day-to-day lives.

2.    Aquariums
At an aquarium, students have the opportunity to see fascinating aquatic life up close. It's not often that you get the chance to see sharks and jellyfish in person, and an aquarium amazes you with the different kinds of sea animals swimming around you. Students will be surprised by creatures like stingrays, whales, and even penguins, apart from the usual fish they see.

3.    Planetarium
Since you can’t take students to outer space, the next best thing would be to bring them to a planetarium. Many kids are curious about space and at a planetarium, these out-of-this-world concepts can feel within reach and can help them have a better understanding of what the universe is like. Not to mention that how surreal a planetarium can be makes it all the more exciting.

School field trips in Calgary add excitement in students’ lives, and give them something to look forward to in the school year. It is a dynamic way for them to learn and see what they study in action, and gives them inspiration to be more creative and imaginative. An experiential field trip is then necessary to give students the best learning experience, and fun memories to boot.


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